That's right. No hand holding here, folks. I don't subscribe to a "this is how you blog" mentality. I just tell it like I see/feel it.
I would love more participation. I would love to share your design with the world. And here's the thing. If you put love in your design, even if only one other person...hell...even if you are the only person who thinks "it rocks!" that is enough. It has to be enough.
Take for example @bryanbrinkman 4th entry. Probably not for everyone. Reminds me of Chris Farley's "Fat man in a little coat" as it is entitled, "fatty fish". When you click to view his awesome design, you'll note he comments "this is a fat fish in a small bowl."
Personally, I didn't realize a fish could be fat or have fat on its body. But why not now that I am confronted with it? And perhaps that is the wonder of a great design, even if the designer simply thought what about a fat fish in a small bowl. Is the fish fat because there is little room for it to swim and thus, doesn't get much exercise and eats due to boredom. Or perhaps as Dorie, the forgetful fish in the Disney flik, Finding Nemo, there really isn't a need to put too much thought into it. It simply is what it is.
And simply is what it is, below is @bryanbrinkman "fatty fish" design.
Of course, not to be left out as the other #DesignAShirtAWeek participant, below is my week 4 design. Normally, I consider myself to be the spirituality queen. And yet, for many of my nb2c (not born 2 conform) designs, while I feel conformity is tantamount to the way Divine Love perceives the past I had a lot of judgment about porn and violence and this and that that most would think I wouldn't include in my designs.
These days I understand that Everything and I mean EVERYTHING is considered divine (no judgment...for to judge something as divine and something else as not divine is the epitome of judgment). So...if you want to party however you want to party...technically, it can't ever make you less or more spiritual or Divine in the eyes of Divine Love. Of course, it may seem that way in the eyes of people who don't understand their true Divine selves, but...
So....if you had submitted a design, your design could have been "pimped" HERE. Since this isn't the case, I want to share my experience with threadless since I wrote about them in my last blogpost.
I checked them out further because of the "so far" seeming uniqueness that they actually will pay a designer before others have bought items with their designs simply based on votes about submitted designs from threadless website visitors.
I have to say that I felt a little weird that when I found out the only way I could submit a design was if I had Photoshop (which I currently did not have). Also, I felt a little bummed out that I was this t-shirt designer blogger and I didn't have Photoshop and really know very little about it and in a way am not that sure that I desire to spend my time learning more.
My inspiration to get more into the world of the internet and internet commerce is the book, "The 4-Hour Work Week" by Timothy Ferriss and instead, here I find myself spending just about 8 hours a DAY chained to my computer.
Okay, chained is an exaggeration. Sometimes I find I can sit at my computer doing this or that and especially if it is something creative that I sort of have in my mind and really want to manifest digitally and have it turn out just so...for over 8 hours at a time. And if you think I am exaggerating, I am not. Okay, 6 hours. And by that I am talking about no eating, no going to the bathroom, etc. I hydrate. Only 'cuz I keep a water filled container close to my computer. In other words, I can sit completely focused on what is going on with my computer for hours.
Now I am not trying to say this is a bad thing. Most spiritual texts will tell you that if you are doing something that you basically lose track of time doing, that is very in the moment being and one of the best things "spiritually" you can be/do.
So, again, technically it isn't bad and I don't want to put out that vibe. Not to mention that at this point in my life, I am in the process of letting go of any good/bad type of thinking/feeling. It's all good, eh?
It's simply that in the context of intention and preference, do I really want to spend at least 8 hours every day of the week at my laptop? And I would have to answer "no" if I'm honest.
Of course, for some of you, you might think it interesting to delve deeper to wonder "why?" Is this really my preference or is my feeling at least 8 hours a day on the computer seven days a week more something I think others would feel is loser geek-ness with a capital L and a capital G.?
And now that this blog post is getting long, long, long...why am I sharing this?
I felt weird about not having Adobe Photoshop and thinking how am I really going to be able to participate, when someone gifted me with Adobe Photoshop in the last couple of days.
Do what you love and the universe will support you.
Peace out my brother and sister t-shirt designers. And please, please, please submit your entries to the #DesignAShirtAWeek if you feel motivated to. Like my friend who actually wrote an entire movie script even though it will probably never, ever be made into a movie, I am going to love it simply because it was Divinely inspired in your mind and you were confident enough to put it out there in some way even if that is how far it will ever end up going.
Here's to inspiration. Here's to creativity. Here's to not letting anything excuses keep you from expressing your creativity.
Rock On!